Thursday 7 July 2011

life is shot... make it sweet

dis week my roster at ct room... lots of confirm case... pity to the patient. well, bila tgk menda2 gitu eventhough i behind then screen, sementara kita sihat ni berbuat baik sesama human mmg la perlu... to me my job bkn sahaja mencari rezeki yang halal tapi juga helpiing people around me... walaupun ada banyak juga pesakit yang berbagai ragam kekadang amatlahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh menyakitkan hati tp sabar je lah.. nak buat gane kan dah keja, jadi hadap je la...

Monday 27 June 2011


Just now a friend of mine tellin me just a brief news, due to i also not interested to make any contact with that lady... it's not bcoz i hate her... my previous time with her just fine, only after she left us she also left some probs with me... to cut story short... i just let it be.. Ya what to worry.. Allah still with me... The morale of story.................Tidak mengapa orang buat kita.. sooner or later or not even kat dunia ni... dia still akan dapat balasan.. Sebenarnya nak bagi semangat kat diri sendiri juga since this past few months lots of things happen to me.. what ever it is... Ya Allah kuatkan aku tetapkan keimanan ku.. bila baca buku pink tu, kurang sket rasa was2 tu... tp mmg kena on track dont slipped Amin........

Sunday 19 June 2011

My Opinion n a friend of mine opinion.....

i'm just normal person with my own opinion... i dont cared others... especially the opinion is related with our religious... lain org lain fesyen right?  mothers or fathers day ada ke dlm Islam? Thinked........................................ Siapa  created those days? Setahu aku la... Dalam Islam kita cuma celebrate Raya puasa n Raya Haji je... Kenapa nak celebrate beria2, sedangkan hari2 lagu tu sebenarnya di bawa oleh bangsa len... Kita tak leh nak menyamakan Islam ngan apa2 pun..... same also with birthday n anniversary...

Saturday 18 June 2011


dari kul 10 pm i'm waiting for them still not reached me... suddenly another person coming... then at 1 am they telling me they are sending... just imagined after 3 hrs.. i always being cheated by them...

Thursday 16 June 2011

borak2 ngan mate...

Bila duk kat tmpt appointment tension giler... What Fuad said is right... bila kesian kat org diri sendiri yg terjerut... nasib baik ada bdk male sekor tu... yg kejanya dlm OT tp kes takde dia duk kat meja sebelah sambil baca my novel... hmm sambil nyembang2 pasal Nora Elena tu... Ya la dia antara Pan asian yg tak berapa nak cun... tak mcm abg dia... ni kata si Bo la... not me ya... tp  pd i... mmg la siti saleha tu macam Farahdhiya... not comel... Julia ziegler cun... tp agak busy la today sampai tak leh nak menjengah PA boss ku itu... tp takpe later met her... ha ada berita baik juga... tq Norai for telling me eventhough, tuan punya diri dah pesan jgn bocorkan... Sure after this En mad penin kepala where to put another Mak yung at dept....

Wednesday 15 June 2011

ish ish ish....

Bila ada dua hero yang tak makn saman, tapi takut kat hanger, nak buat apa pun tak leh.. mak br nak memblog dema duk kat kaki main2 kuda.. (mak jd kuda...). langsung hilang idea nak merapu... bkn released nampak gayanya tp makin serabut.........................

Thursday 9 June 2011

nite shift...

hmm.. mlm td quite ok la.. got companion, kali ni those boys both from MAHSA n Masterskill really hardworking.. no cheating in their practical.. tp standard la ada gak la case2 yang merapu.. that cucur bwg kopi o i done, jd later sambung blk siti rosmizah... this noon shift.. sempat ke? ntah la... bergantung kpd case..